To start thinking about set design, I made a small mock up to show a basic layout and light source.

I wanted Humphrey and Patrice first meeting to be a rather abrupt one. Humphrey has just pounced out at Patrice and scared the living daylights out of him.

I used a rock to portray Patrices shell, as I didnt have the resources to make a shell out of clay at the time. I feel its quite an interesting touch though, and a multimedia approach could be quite
The above model was made to portay Humphreys manic nature, and his love of worms.
Here are some images of a few potential facial expressions for Patrice.
Above is an elaboration upon the facial featues of Humphrey, though I think my original choice of eye, was a more effective one.

To the right here is an early model of Patrice, minus his shell, just to see the way he would look facially.
This painted model demonstrates the colours that I would want my character to portray. I was pleased with the way the colours presented themselves, in making this 3D model, I became aware of some issues. In particular, the crest that runs down his spine needs to blend more seemless into his back. I will iron out this flaw with my next models.
A few illustrations of Humphrey in action poses.