The above image shows how the underlying mechanics of my character might manifest themselves.

To start thinking about set design, I made a small mock up to show a basic layout and light source.

I wanted Humphrey and Patrice first meeting to be a rather abrupt one. Humphrey has just pounced out at Patrice and scared the living daylights out of him.

I used a rock to portray Patrices shell, as I didnt have the resources to make a shell out of clay at the time. I feel its quite an interesting touch though, and a multimedia approach could be quite
The above model was made to portay Humphreys manic nature, and his love of worms.
Here are some images of a few potential facial expressions for Patrice.
Above is an elaboration upon the facial featues of Humphrey, though I think my original choice of eye, was a more effective one.

To the right here is an early model of Patrice, minus his shell, just to see the way he would look facially.